project armageddon processor

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is a simple JFET input buffer that goes into a clean boost based on the old Electro-Harmonix LPB-1 Linear Power Boost. The guitar input is buffered and then split off to four input points. These input points can then go on to various other modules in the box. A bog-standard Fuzz Face. The only mod is that I`m using NPN MPSA18 transistors and

project armageddon processor
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

the traditional fixed bias resistor has been turned into a pot. I love the snarly nastiness of the Fuzz Face so it would have been crazy not to included it in a box centered around fuzz. If I had to dedicate the work behind the Armageddon Processor to any single person, it would probably be Christian/Hemmo. He has one of the most offbeat DIY sites. It hasn`t been updated in a long time, and it is ugly as hell as sites go, but his little snippets have gone a long way. The Black Fuzz is based on his single and double transistor designs. I put two of them back to back and added a filter. Tim Escobedo `s Circuit Snippets is one of the crown jewels of the DIY schematics world. He has so many designs that are different and thought-provoking. One of those is the PWM, a fuzz that is based on a Schmitt trigger. I modified this design to cascade an additional gate and added a filter control. Lovely. Another nod to hemmo/christian here. He had a couple of circuits based on the LM567 chip. This bizarred device was designed to decode touch-tone frequencies on telephones. His hackage opened my eyes to this msytical device and I spent many hours at the breadboard trying all the possible permutations of what the 567 can do. I ended up with a modifier that can go from a choppy tremolo to a nasty ring mod at the twist of a dial. Like an idiot alchemist trying to turn lead into gold, I`ve spent a lot of time trying to get faux synthesizer...

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