vehicle tracking

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

In this Project we have designed an embedded system which is used for tracking and positioning of any vehicle by using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global system for mobile communication (GSM). When the request by user is sent to the number at the modem, the system automatically sends a return reply to that mobile indicating the position of

vehicle tracking
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the vehicle. In this project ATmega16 microcontroller is used for interfacing to various hardware peripherals. The current design is an embedded application, which will report the status of the Vehicle on demand. For doing so an ATmega16 microcontroller is interfaced to a GSM Modem and GPS Receiver. A GSM modem is used to send the position of the vehicle from a remote place. This modem continuously waits for a request SMS. If it is from a valid mobile number(checked with the content of the SMS, which means a password), the GPS modem gets activated and it then continuously gives the data i. e. the latitude and longitude indicating the position of the vehicle. The GPS modem gives many parameters as the output, but only the NMEA data coming out is read. Then only the latitude and longitude is converted to find out the name of the location of the vehicle. The converted data including the location name, time etc. is sent to the mobile at the other end from where the position of the vehicle is demanded.

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