Transistor Checker Circuit

Posted on Mar 27, 2013

The circuit is built around a 741 general-purpose op amp that is configured as a voltage follower; with the components shown, the op amp has a voltage gain of one. The output of the 741 is used to drive a 50- meter movement. Potentiometer R7 is used to zero the meter and R6 sets the meter`s full-scale reading, Calibrating the meter is a snap. With no input applied to the circuit, set R6 to mid-position and adjust R7 to zero the meter. Once that is done, apply a positive 1-Vdc voltage to the input and adjust R6 for a full-scale reading.

Transistor Checker Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The voltmeter can be adjusted to read both positive and negative voltages by adjusting R7 for a center scale reading at the meter`s zero position and a positive 1- V reading at the meter`s full-scale position.

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