Simple Spectrum Analyzer Adaptor For Scopes Circuit

Posted on Dec 7, 2012

Suitable for monitoring an amateur band or a segment of the radio spectrum, this simple adaptor uses an NE602 mixer-oscillator chip to produce a 455-kHz IF signal, which U2 amplifies, then feeds to detector D2 and the Y axis of an oscilloscope. VT is used to drive the horizontal axis input of a scope. L2 and L3 are coils suitable for the frequency range in use. For this circuit, coils are shown for the 10- to 15-MHz range.

Simple Spectrum Analyzer Adaptor For Scopes Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

L2 and L3 are wound on Amidon Associates, T-37 or T-50 toroidal cores, and LI is a commercial or homemade variable inductor, etc.

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