1-20 minutes a timing circuit

Posted on Nov 10, 2015

10 minutes to 2 hours: 100 lines bell - 20 Ogawa, when selected by the multi-gear stick lemma Ge S2 41f system. IC} is self-excited multivibrator. 1C, the

1-20 minutes a timing circuit
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evolution liter dC device. IC 3 to 14 liters of binary pulses f Pi device. When turned} rxsi called, 1iI RYl Chih-what is it s station, will be called " the beginning. If S2 is set r" 1 "state archives, the frequency division ratio of 21_8192, then given time to cut bone I.2 twenty clock .S2 dry "3" file, the frequency division ratio is 81920. In this case the timing when asked to 100 minutes - 20 hours.

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