2000V Low-Current Power Supply

Posted on May 25, 2012

In this circuit Ql, Q2, Rl, and CI form a multivibrator. The square wave that results from the oscillation

2000V Low-Current Power Supply
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of this circuit (20 to 30 Vpp) is stepped up by T1 (an audio transformer of the type used in radios or small TVs). An 8- to 1,200-Q impedance ratio equates to a turn ratio of 12:1. The ac from the secondary of T1 is applied to the multiplier circuit (D1 to D8 and C2 to C9). NE1/R2 are used as an operating indicator. The circuit will supply about 2,000 V. C2 to C9 should have a 400-V or higher voltage rating.

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