ATmega8 breadboard circuit Tutorial

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This tutorial continues on from ATmega8 Breadboard Circuit Part 1 where we build a small power supply on the breadboard. In this part we will add the ATmega8 microcontroller and an interface to allow it to be programmed. The first step is to orient yourself with the ATMEGA8 microcontroller. Since we are building our circuit on a breadboard, we

ATmega8 breadboard circuit Tutorial
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

`re using the PDIP variant ( ATMEGA8-16PU ). You could also build this circuit using an ATmega48, 88, 168 or 328 as these all share the same pin layout but have slightly different features, clock speeds and memory. When you look at the microcontroller you will see a few makings which help identify the pin numbers. At one end there is a semicircle/half moon section. This denotes the top of the IC (Integrated Circuit). In a PDIP/DIP package the pins are numbered from 1 in an anticlockwise fashion from this marker. Additionally, on the ATmega8 there is a small circle identifying pin 1. When you look at the pin-out, you will notice that many of the pins are marked as I/O ports. e. g. Pin 28 has the label PC5 , which means Port C pin 5 . The I/O ports also have secondary functions which are noted in parenthesis. e. g. pin 28 has secondary functions of ADC5 (ADC Input Channel 5) and SCL (Two-wire Serial Bus Clock Line). In some cases (e. g. reset on pin 1), the secondary function is much more commonly used than the primary function. Now it`s time to insert the microcontroller onto the breadboard. You will need to bend the pins inwards slightly. One method is to insert one side of the IC in shallowly then bend the pins on the other side so that they fit into the tie points on that side. You can then gently push/wiggle the IC in. Now we will supply power to the IC. The ATmega8 has 2 ground pins (8 & 22), a VCC pin (7) for...

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