A Simple Dual H-Bridge

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

H-bridge is frequently used to control DC motors and stepper motors. When controlling a bipolar stepper motor, two full H-bridges are needed. There are many H-bridge ICs (like L298, MPC17529 and SN754410 which is a quad half H-bridge) for just that purpose. But if you are on a budget, you may want to consider building a dual H-bridge yourself. The following schematic shows a simple dual H-bridge

A Simple Dual H-Bridge
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

using eight general purpose transistors ( 2N3904 and 2N3906 ). Given the maximum Iceo of roughly 200mA, this circuit can be used to drive a small bipolar stepper motor operating between 5V and 12V, such as the stepper motors found in most floppy drives and CD/DVD drives. The four control inputs (1, 2, 3, 4) can be driven with Arduino s digital pins (i. e. 2, 3, 4, 5) directly. The following program illustrates how to signal the four leads of a bipolar stepper motor for it to rotate. Of course, there`s already a stepper motor library built for this purpose. The program below is helpful when learning the sequence of the pulses required by bipolar stepper motors. int coila1 = 2; int coila2 = 3; int coilb1 = 4; int coilb2 = 5; void setup() { pinMode(coila1, OUTPUT); pinMode(coila2, OUTPUT); pinMode(coilb1, OUTPUT); pinMode(coilb2, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(coila1, HIGH); digitalWrite(coila2, LOW); digitalWrite(coilb1, LOW); digitalWrite(coilb2, LOW); delay(10); digitalWrite(coila1, LOW); digitalWrite(coila2, LOW); digitalWrite(coilb1, HIGH); digitalWrite(coilb2, LOW); delay(01); digitalWrite(coila1, LOW); digitalWrite(coila2, HIGH); digitalWrite(coilb1, LOW); digitalWrite(coilb2, LOW); delay(10); digitalWrite(coila1, LOW); digitalWrite(coila2, LOW); digitalWrite(coilb1, LOW); digitalWrite(coilb2, HIGH); delay(10); } Here is a picture of an Arduino controlled CD-ROM stepper motor (the one controlling the tray...

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