Softrock Lite V6.2 Enhanced

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The Softrock Lite V6. 2 series provide an economical entry-level kit for the ham or SWL who wants to experiment with Software Defined Radio (SDR). As of 10/26/2008, the offerings in this series are (links are to schematics in Yahoo Groups files folder ): This manual is based upon an idea by Leonard WC0WOX and his excellent work in producing a web-b

Softrock Lite V6.2 Enhanced
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ased construction guide for the RXTX V6. 2 Transceivers. It expands upon the elegant builders notes of Tony Parks KB8YIG and Bill Tracey KD5TFD, notes which are adequate, but also assume a quite sophisticated builder. Modify the original, stuff it all in then test it  process to a build a stage, test a stage,  process, whereby the builder gains confidence in their ability to build the kit by delivering the radio in small, functional, and tested stages. This receiver is patterned on the classic "direct conversion" receiver, in that it mixes incoming RF down to audio frequencies by beating the RF against a Local oscillator such that the mixer products are in the audio frequency range. Unlike the traditional DC receiver, the SDR does not "tune" the local oscillator`s frequency to beat up against a desired RF signal. Instead, the local oscillator is at a fixed frequency. This fixed oscillator frequency is referred to as the "center frequency". As a result, the mixer products can vary in audio frequency from zero to +/- some theoretically high audio frequency. In fact, the practical limit is one-half the soundcard`s maximum sampling rate, The "tuning" (and demodulation and AFC and other neat radio things) happen in the software part of the Software Defined Radio. It is the magic of Software that makes for the extraordinarily high selectivity in the direct conversion hardware (which is notorious for great sensitivity but...

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