Stereo Tone Control

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This simple tone control can be used in may audio applications. It can be added to amplifers, used as a stand alone control module, or even built into new and exciting instruments. It`s one IC construction makes it a very compact circuit, as only a few support components are required. Plus, it does not use a dual power supply. This means that the

Stereo Tone Control
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

circuit will run from VCC = 9V to 15V (although the bass will be a little weak at 9V). S1 is a contour control. Volume is controlled by P1. Balance is controlled by P2. P3 and P4 control bass and treble, respectivly. J1 is the left input, J2 is the right input. J3 is the left output, J4 is the right output. The circuit is designed to accept line level or mic level inputs. if you are going to be using a stronger signal, a voltage divider will be necessary to cut it down to proper levels. You can, of course, skip J1-J4 if you plan to integrate this circuit into another.

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