The Finder

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The Finder is a prototype of that device. It is a keychain-sized GPS device with two buttons, Save and Find. Pressing Save records your current location. Pressing Find visually leads you back to the saved location. Up to 9 locations can be saved. Press the Save button, and the device displays S-1. Pressing Save again steps through the slots up to

The Finder
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9. Pressing Find, while S-# is displayed, saves the current location into the chosen slot. The display blinks slowly until the location is found, then strobes quickly and goes blank, indicating the location is saved. Pressing any button will stop the process and turn the device off. Press the Find button, and the device displays F-1. Pressing Find again steps through the slots up to 9. Pressing Save, while F-# is displayed, navigates you to the chosen location. The display blinks while the GPS finds its position, and then changes to a three-digit distance, in yards or meters (meters constant to be added. ) Start walking forward when the distance appears. One segment of the display will blink, indicating the direction to go. If the top segment of the middle digit blinks, go straight ahead. If segments to the left of center blink, turn left. If segments to the right of center blink, turn right. If one of the bottom segments blinks, turn around. Try to keep the top middle segment blinking. The distance will count down as you approach your destination. When you are done, press either button to turn the device off. The Finder requires an ATMEGA88 or larger, a three-digit, common cathode LED display (Mouser BC56-11EWA or BC56-12GWA), an AARLOGIC GPS 3A or similar GPS module, and a 3. 6 volt battery. A cell phone battery (3. 7V) or three NiMH cells will work. If you use three Alkaline cells, use a series diode to reduce the...

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