The Second W9VES

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The amateur radio call sign W9VES has been assigned to ”held by, as ham radio operators like to put it ”only two people, of whom I am the second. My maternal uncle, Phil Simmons, was the first W9VES, and I enjoy my amateur radio in celebration of him. By mid-2008 CE, the expanding sphere of Effect created by his first transmission in 1935 CE sp

The Second W9VES
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anned a diameter of 146 light-years. A W9VES QSL card from 1935 CE. The transmitter used a Type 45 triode tube operating at 8 W input in a TNT (tuned, not tuned) circuit, a special case of the tuned-plate, tuned-grid oscillator; that four-tube TRF (a receiver consisting of a regenerative detector preceded by a tuned RF stage and followed by two stages of audio amplification) would have been a loan from 14-year-old Phil`s friend and chief engineer, George H. ("Bud") Nibbe, W9NUF. The station location at 1618 Juneway Terrace overlooked southern Evanston across the northernmost back alley in Chicago. The schematic diagram of Phil`s TNT transmitter, a single-tube oscillator, would have looked much like this. The plate circuit (bold lines) determines the oscillator`s frequency; the grid circuit is haphazardly tuned by an inductance that resonates at a frequency determined by its own distributed capacitance and the tube`s grid-to-filament capacitance. Phil`s friend and chief radio engineer George H. "Bud" Nibbe made print in "Strays" on page 52 of October 1935 QST with his 5-meter-transceiver-equipped bike. Nibbe would die at 42; Phil, six years later, at 47. While building up the gumption to take the Novice amateur radio license examination as a teenager, I bought a little yellow Editors and Engineers paperback book, Easy to Build Ham Radio Projects by Charles Caringella, W6NJV. Its simplest construction project, "Novice...

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