Vehicle Accessory Computer Interface

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The following document will provide information to develop your own VACI (Vehicle Accessory Computer Interface). What I have done is rather simple, however it took about 3 weeks of planning, programming and debugging. The wow factor on this interface is awesome; everyone that has seen/used the system wants one in their car. The system can also be

Vehicle Accessory Computer Interface
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

modified to automate accessories. If you have an Olimex PIC-40 Development board, you shouldn`t need a schematic. If you don`t, then you only need to build a stable 5V regulator to power the circuit and a RS232 logic level converter so that you can connect the serial of your computer to the serial of the microcontroller. The other important thing is to have all your outputs connected to a ULN2803 Darlington Array IC and remember that the maximum load per output should not exceed 60mA. The ULN2803 is a sinking driver, so you are able to drive your 12V relays from 12VDC. I have also uploaded the musltisim and ultiboard schematic and PCB design files, use them at your own risk. I have not tested the ultiboard design and will not accept any responsibility for it. In a nutshell, the RGB software PWM works through an infinite loop with a counter which resets after 255 (one Byte). Each color byte is then compared to the clock, if it is less than the clock, the output is set high. If the color byte is greater than the clock byte, the output is set to low. The color bytes are then changed through a serial data received interrupt. `* `* Name : SmartJeep. BAS * `* Author : Marco van der Merwe * `* Notice : Copyright (c) 2010 * `* : All Rights Reserved * `* Date : 8/21/2010 * `* Version : 1. 0 * `* Notes : Test app for serial comms & RGB Controll * `* : * `* ` PIC16F877 Pinout ` - ` MCLR -|1 |_| 40|- ` AvSAT -|2 39|- ` AvDVD -|3 38|-...

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