automatic light controller circuit diagram

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

During nighttime, when no light falls on LDR1, it offers a high resistance at the base junction of transistor T1. So the bias is greatly reduced and T1 doesn`t conduct. Effectively, this removes the common terminal of IC1 from ground and it directs the full input DC to the output. Transistor T2 conducts and the relay energises to light up the bulb

automatic light controller circuit diagram
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as mains connection completes through the relay contacts. This is the circuit diagram of automatic light controller which use 78xx voltage regulator IC series. The voltage regulator ICs deliver a constant output voltage, as against a extensively fluctuating input supply, when the common terminal is grounded. Any voltage about zero volt (ground) interconnected within the common terminal is added to the output voltage. . The schematic diagram shown right here is the automatic switching-on emergency light circuit which is controlled using IC. The most important capabilities of this circuit are: automatic switching-on of the light on main power failure and battery charger with overcharge protection. When mains electrical power is absent, relay RL2 is in deenergised state, feeding DC. Here the simple traffic light controller which is could be used to educate kids rudiments of traffic light guidelines. The circuit utilizes easily available electronic parts. It generally consists of rectifier diodes (1N4001), a 5V regulator 7805, two timers circuit using IC 555, two relays (5V, single-changeover), three 15W, 230V light bulbs and also several. This is the circuit diagram of staircase light with automatic switch off. It based on timer which is can be adjusted with the needs of the time of walking (climbing up and going down) on the staircase. We have been all acquainted with all the electrical wiring design that joins an electrical...

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