relay triac

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

How hard it would be to convert the relay in this design to a triac It switches a 120v Ni-chrome wire that is 60ohms. Thanks for any help you can offer. Your right i apologize. The ic powers off of a 12v transformer. However there is a 120v neutral and line onboard that feeds a 12v voltage reg

relay triac
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ulator. Here is the proposed circuit. It`s still a work in progress. Method 1) Connect the 120 volt neutral to the circuit ground, then use T1 to send current through a resistor to the gate of a triac and connect one end of the nichrome to the 120 circuit and the other end to the anode of the triac. The third terminal of the triac goes to ground. The collector of T1 goes to the +12 supply. method 2) Don`t connect the 120 neutral to the circuit ground. Have T1 drive an opto-isolator and have that drives a triac. The nichrome power circuit will stand seperate from your primary circuitry, connected only by a light beam inside the opto-isolator.

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