rfid with arduino

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

If you ever wanted to integrate RFID functionality into your project, this small tutorial might help you accomplish that. I used the RDM630 module from seeedstudio in its UART version. It comes on a small board with presoldered connectors which fits perfectly on a breadboard. You only need to connect the antenna to the two pin socket. You also can connect a LED to

rfid with arduino
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

indicate if the antenna picks up a signal. The signal output can be easily read by using the NewSoftSerial library and assigning the RX TX ports. The signal readings are transmitted in byte blocks. The first byte (02) is the start of text byte in HEX-ASCII format. Then following is the 10 byte data for the ID which has been recognized. After that a 2 byte checksum is transmitted. Followed by the last byte (03). To translate the 10 byte HEX-ASCII data to the unique ID, you only have to map the bytes to the according ASCII character. For details have a look into the datasheet. This is an example code which checks if the data was received correctly. It prints the ID and checks if the transmitted checksum is equal to the calculated checksum of the ID.

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