Battery over-discharge protection circuit diagram
Battery discharge will cause plate acidification, affecting the normal life of the battery. To solve this problem, we designed a special micro-power battery over-discharge prot
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ection circuit, as shown above, the circuit has a very low detection current (detected current l.lmA), after the protection circuit will no longer consume energy, anti-interference ability and so on. A schematic of the circuit After manual closing trip switch Kl, energized circuit into operation. First, because the voltage across C1 can not be mutated, keeping close to 0V, 02 deadline, when the battery voltage 10.7V, the regulator D1 conducts, al saturated conduction, Q2 gate voltage cut-off due to lack of triggers, K1 does not operate, batteries and post-stage circuit in a closed working condition, when the battery voltage 10.7V, the regulator diode D1 is off, Ql is turned oFF, the resistor R3 to charge the capacitor C1. When the voltage across C1 reaches approximately 0.6V, Q2 is triggered thyristor conduction, tripping switching operation, after disconnecting the load circuit level. Second, component selection Trip switch can choose color TV power switch with relay, model KDC-A04-8Y, switching current dual 5A, can be paralleled becomes maximum operating current of 10A, which included an electromagnetic coil DC resistance of about 25, the measured coil voltage 7V can pull. Ql selection MCR100-6, MCR100-6 have extremely sensitive gate trigger current (trigger current of 10 A ~ 30 A), on-state voltage drop characteristics (pressure drop in the circuit is measured 0.8V). When the regulator is selected Dl protection circuit voltage minus 0.7V, as no suitable regulator can be used in tandem with both the regulator (the circuit operation, Rl partial pressure below 0.2V, it can drop can be ignored). III Remarks This circuit detects the current 1.1mA, mainly through R1 branch current 0.35mA ~ 0.1mA, by R2 in the branch current 0.5mA ~ 0.75mA, depending on the selected operating current trip switch K1 coil DC resistance. The test KDC-A04-8Y operating current of about 400mA, operating time is less than 0.2 seconds. Fourth, the other two micro-power battery over-discharge protection circuit See the circuit diagrams above and below its former level voltage detection is accomplished TL431 precision voltage regulator that controls the turn-off voltage point via precision adjustment VR1. TL431 is chosen due to its high control accuracy, typically 50ppm/temperature coefficient equivalent full range of small current consumption and many other advantages in this circuit. Because this circuit TL431 cathode voltage range of 1.9V ~ 2.7V, to meet the TL431 cathode voltage is about 2.7V trigger Q2, which provides the diagrams above and below two connections. The figure is dividing by R5 (and later stage R4), the following figure is used LEDs forward voltage drop (ordinary red light-emitting diode micro-current of about 1.7V forward voltage drop) for dividing (02 Found the control electrode of the cathode voltage 0.65V ~ 0.7V can trigger conduction). NOTE: LED use an ordinary red light-emitting diodes.
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