Variable corner frequency tone circuit

Posted on Nov 10, 2015

By selecting an attenuation switch to change the pitch of a feedback control circuit transition frequency real cases. Hu) for 2 treble controls,

Variable corner frequency tone circuit
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RP3 for bass control, SA1, SA2 are used to change the high bass control corner frequency rate. In the circuit, VTi as common-emitter amplifier, VT2 as emitter input m, the output signal with the input signal phase amplifier instead. This will not only meet the feedback tone control circuit phase requirements, and the circuit has a low output impedance. Due to high input impedance VT2, VTi collector load resistor may be selected from a higher resistance (lOOkf7,), so that the two-stage amplifier with high voltage gain, tone control circuit which is great the balance of the circuit by dividing voltage circuit R &, and Rio will be fed back to the tone signal voltage divider circuit, so that the tone control circuit made of about three times the intermediate frequency electric voltage gain o tone control of high and low frequency from the control frequency, by SAi, Feng also choose a different capacitor to adjust. When SAi when placed d, treble control from the control frequency of 2.5kHz; when b is placed becomes 5kHzoSA2 placed c, bass controlled from the control frequency is 500Hz; when d is placed into 250 .

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