FM Tracking Transmitter

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The following plans describe how to build a very small tracking transmitter that can be tracked using an FM broadcast band radio receiver. The transmitter is powered by a 3 volt to 9 volt battery and has a range of from 1/4 mile to over 1 mile depending on battery voltage, T1. ECG 6410 UJT. 526-NTE6410. not available The transmitter can be assemb

FM Tracking Transmitter
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led in a variety of configurations although good VHF circuit technique should be followed. The illustration included with these plans shows one of many possible layouts. It is one which has been tested and found to work well. The components are assembled on a small piece of perfboard of approximately 3/4" by 1 3/4". The leads are mounted through the holes as shown and soldered together on the back side of the perfboard. Some jumpers are made on the backside of the perfboard to connect the various components. Note that a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) pattern is also include should you wish to make a PCB. The asembly is the same for PCB construction except the jumpers used on the backside of the perfboard are not required since the foil pattern replaces them. 4. Using some of the longer leads that are penetrating through the backside of the perfboard make the connections as shown in the pictorial on the bottom side of the circuit board by bending the leads and soldering. 5. If the transmitter is to be powered by two(2) lithium batteries use a stiff steel wire (possibly obtained from a metal paperclip) to fashion the battery hold down clip and the negative terminal contact as shown in the pictorial. 6. If the transmitter is to be powered by a 9 volt transistor radio battery, solder a 9 volt battery snap connector to the perfboard instead of the battery hold down clamp described in step "6". Connect the red wire from the battery...

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