This circuit uses a small microphone to capture the sound and some transistors to generate radio...
Soundblaster soundcard series (SB16, SB32, AWE32 and AWE64) have all a microphone input designed...
Fuzz is one of the classic guitar effects, and this simple circuit generates it quite well. The...
Teledyne Semiconductor"s Type TSC9402 is a versatile IC. Not only can it convert voltage into...
I initially designed these circuits for a friend who had muscle problems and while he says they...
This power supply will work accurately where you have the need of stable 18V DC and provides...
The MIC2199 is a synchronous buck switching Regulator controller. An all N-Channel synchronous...
When starting with Arduino, one soon has much more Arduino boards then RS232 or even USB ports on...
A friend of mine bought a fairly new (only a couple of years old) Fender 60W combo off a guy he...