R1 = 470K N1, N2 = MC14093B R2 = 15M* T1 = 2N3906 (these will work also: PN200, 2N4413) C1-C4 =...
Atmel`s XMEGA series of microcontrollers are neat little pieces of hardware; with a very fast...
The simple FM radio circuit got lost during the transition from vacuum tubes to transistors. In...
Version V2. 9 supports also GPS-receiver with ANTARIS chipset and simultaneously using of...
This subwoofer active filter circuit is a 24 dB octave filter with a Bessel character and cutoff...
A hydraulic or hydrostatic drive system or hydraulic power transmission is a drive or...
Two cheap CMOS ICs and a few transistors was all that was required to rebuild my elderly TTL...
Circuit shown in Figure 3-16. It uses 555 IC A as the control element; capacitive step-down...